Okay so it wasn't as enjoyable as I hoped...mostly cause 2 of the hero players where hopping around laughing at the blood apes but... and one was a DnD DM so he found it pretty hard to figure why he couldn't pass underneath a soaring monster or why he couldn't shoot over a small kobold.
But skip those things and help me with the next questions (warning...pretty dumb ones):
1. 1200 gold for party pool, is that any way similar to the 15 conquest avatar gets at the start of the game for upgrades ?! do they lose unspent gold ?!
2. do they get 1 conquest for entering the dungeon, or just passing by ?!
3. Can I spend threat to move monsters or add die upgrades in the dungeons also ? I used a referance sheet and it some how managed to confuse me.
4. First level of the dungeon was No.9 The Prison... do the villagers block LoS and Movement for both the heroes and the monsters ?! do they exit trough the glyphs ? are they subject to the same rules as heroes (I.e. start your turn next to a glyph to use it) if basically no heroes are around can I just spawn a monster next to the villager ? can I spawn a monster in the room with them and just kill them ?! I mean there wasn't anything stopping me I suppose... and couldn't I just open the door and kill them again ?!... can they move with the villagers even if they haven't yet oppened the doors for them? a lot of questions since in my experiance heroes ever had any company besides familiars.
5. Seems kinda much for a first week but can the heroes basically move from tamalir to a dungeon have an encounter on the way there and then go in the dungeon, finish it and that would be a hole week worth of actions ?!
6. How does wind pact actually work since the hole area in a dungeon is actually revealed from the start. And I'm pretty sure I'm right but... wind pact does not actually save you from a spiked pit trap, it just helps you not fall in the pit so you can still have LoS.
7. Pretty sure I'm wrong on this one but gonna ask it... I'm pretty sure I read LTs move a long a trail of a type...does that mean he can move over more trails of the same type ?!
8. Do master monsters give 50 gold as normal when killed ? (donno where this came from seriously)
9. Do I have to tell them the special abbilities of the boss in a dungeon ?! not talking about extra health and armor. (reach, etc.)
10. You shuffle the location, encounter, dungeon cards everytime you draw right ?! and do you draw all 3 dungeon levels at once or one by one?
12. Figure refer to hero characters and do villagers count (with corrupted terrain I mean) ?!
13. Where is question No. 11 ?!
Hope to see some awnsers...and sorry for all the retard questions but manual is at the gaming place and pdf does not work around hear so I can't scour the rules manually on the internet. These are basically all the questions ...or some at least...that showed up... mostly because I was the only one who actually read the rules...so when something "wierd" popped up... all the heroes quickly agreed to disagree with me.