For the final version of Only War, please include a couple of maps. One for the supply depot, another for the refinery.
Maps Would Help
Eradico Pravus said:
For the final version of Only War, please include a couple of maps. One for the supply depot, another for the refinery.
These will more than likely be included in the book, or as downloadable handouts… I think the maps might fall under "artwork and story left out of the Beta" category of things. Which, is a little disappointing.
-=Brother Praetus=-
Has anyone created exportable maps of either the supply depot or refinery?
Brother Praetus said:
Eradico Pravus said:
For the final version of Only War, please include a couple of maps. One for the supply depot, another for the refinery.
These will more than likely be included in the book, or as downloadable handouts… I think the maps might fall under "artwork and story left out of the Beta" category of things. Which, is a little disappointing.
-=Brother Praetus=-
I'm not sure - decent maps can be quite expensive to commission, according to one of my friends that does actually make maps for RPG games (mostly Mongoose and Chaosium). I'd hope there are a couple, but I'd prefer no maps over rubbish maps.
I'd hope there are a couple, but I'd prefer no maps over rubbish maps.
I hope these are up to your exacting standards, then…
The refinery will be added as soon as I can be bothered to draw it. Should be easier than this thing, though…
Thanks, Cifer, I like your interpretation. Can't wait to see the refinery!