Question about the FFG World Championship

By Sgt. G, in Dust Tactics Organized Play

Does on have to have won or gone to the north american championship to enter the FFG world chamionship? Or even one of the regionals?

thanks for time and help.

no but winning and placing in those events grants free entrance and byes.


They get a free pass from needing to participate in the round same as if they had won normally.

i understand how a bye works in normal games.. but a bye dew to being a champion seems weird, and im not 100% sure what he ment. does that mean a champ would go strate to round 2?or just in case there was a bye..they get it?

It means that the NA champ would automaticly make it to round 3. getting a free pass from playing in the first 2 rounds.

and regional champions? how far do they go?

to the 2nd round.