Vehicles Too Tough

By Frankie, in Game Mechanics

I'm looking at the weapons vehicles use (speaking of, why is a hull mounted lascannon one of the best vehicle weapons compared to tank cannons?), and it seems Vehicles have trouble either hurting eachother, or killing eachother is a reasonable amount of time.

Thoughts on how to fix this?

There needs to be AP rounds for all tank guns that eliminate the Blast quality but dramatically improve penetration, like modern tanks use. I'd say +10 Pen should make it strong enough to do some damage, but won't invalidate proper positioning (you still want to have the reduced armor on the sides and back mean something).

MorioMortis said:

There needs to be AP rounds for all tank guns that eliminate the Blast quality but dramatically improve penetration, like modern tanks use. I'd say +10 Pen should make it strong enough to do some damage, but won't invalidate proper positioning (you still want to have the reduced armor on the sides and back mean something).

Aren't there already antitank rounds in the ammo section? And since we don't have to spend precious points on Vanquisher Russes, might as well get one with all the bells and whistles.

I know it's a different thing, but in the tabletop game, a frag grenade (Strength 4) has a least a chance (1 in 6) of damaging a Leman Russ through it's rear armor (Armor 10) and krak grenades (S6) are actually designed to punch through vehicles (3 in 6 chance of glancing against an armor of 10).

In Only War, a frag grenade (2d10, Pen 0) has no chance of hurting a Russ through it's rear armor (armor 25), though a krak grenade (2d10+4, Pen 6) has better odds. Still, I think the armor value on tanks is too high by about 5 points.

Avrelivs said:

Aren't there already antitank rounds in the ammo section? And since we don't have to spend precious points on Vanquisher Russes, might as well get one with all the bells and whistles.

AFAIK, there are no stats for any special rounds for artillery, and the Vanquisher Canon can barely chip a Leman Russ's front armor; I'd increase the damage or the penetration slightly (leaning on a Pen of 20 or 22). AP rounds for standard Leman Russ should be comparable to Vanquisher rounds, except with less range and with the slower reload.

And I agree that armor values are a slight bit too high for tanks.

Read 139 Artillery Shells

Santiago said:

Read 139 Artillery Shells

Damm, that will teach me not to only read up to the tables for ammo and unusual ammo…

Although I have to say those stats are quite weak; the high explosives are standard Leman Russ shells (which makes little sense, as the stats for the different tank guns aren't the same, but these have a fixed value), the incendiary ones are decent if a little weak (they need a bigger blast, and to cause more Fire damage over a few rounds).

The anti-tank shells are strange; as written, they keep the Blast quality, but simply increase penetration (like if they where quite volatile and unfocused HEAT or HEP rounds). I think losing the Blast quality and making them APDS rounds would be a better idea, and it would give you an actual tank killing weapon that doesn't cause needless destruction (which, in urban conflict, is always bad for an attacking force). Of course, making them out of depleted uranium has it's own issues (the IG probably doesn't care though), but using adamantium instead could prove a good alternative.

WEll, Blast (10) means damage goes to 10 meters form the center of the blast; so it may well hit the back armour, even at those sizes.; and there's always the honourable and sheer cool way of shooting other tanks in the front, and the more cunning and sneaky method of shooting them in the back and side..