Gimp said:
I see it as an illusion of cash on hand, following the old 'penny wise but pound foolish,' adage.
If a company puts out a LE figure for $20, with a hefty profit margin, they get a hefty profit margin on each $20 purchase. Let's call it a $10 profit for simplicity's sake.
If a scalper buys 20 of those, the company gets a $200 profit.
If the scalper then sells each one for $200, they get an $1600 profit on their $400 investment.
That $1600 dollars came from people who were interested in products from that game company, and so from their gaming budgets.
The game company made $200, but lost the profits they could have made from the $1600 that went to the scalper. Even if they only recieved a $5 from each alternate sale (again, as a quick example), they lost $400 in profits thay could have made with other sales.
Getting $200 to lose $400 more is not really good business.
If they'd done an early release, with a later general release of the same figure, the scalper could still get something, though less than from a LE figure, but the company would not lose as much.
Add the bad feeling generated for players who didn't get the LE figures, and they not only lose profits that go to the scalpers, but also could lose continued revenue by having frustrated players leave the game.
You're misstating facts.
If the scalper buys 20 LE figures from the company. The company is does't lose money they make the same amount they would have made in the first place that's why there is a retail price. You missing major factors.
1. The scalper bought up stock of 20 figures and company sells out of stock….win for company!
2. The scalper sells the LE figures to collectors for $200 …… win for scalper!
3. Scalper now has $1600 to spend (most likely on more figures, paints , ect) ……win for the company!
4. The collector gets what he wants……. win for collector!
5. The collector is called a "collector" because he already bought everything (and then some) from the company……. win for the company!
6. There is one loss and that is the common player doesn't get the LE figure because the scalper got them first…… Loss common player!
The point is the company never loses money.
I agree now if there is a LE figure that sways the balance of the game it is not right. This would cause players to have bad feelings. For this case Bazooka Joe is important for the Allies, so it is not right to not be able to get him from a store (you can buy him very easily online). But a LE model that don't hurt the balance of they game, does not effect the common player, so there is no reason not to have them. If someone can't afford it because the scalper got them all and is now selling for a profit …. that's life. Supply and Demand! Don't be upset because you didn't get a LE Figure, be happy you didn't have to spend $200 for a useless one.