Trade Chymist vs Medicae

By nethru, in Black Crusade Rules Questions

What's the diff when it comes to crafting drugs? If you have both do you get a bonus?

nethru said:

What's the diff when it comes to crafting drugs? If you have both do you get a bonus?

Trade Chymist would be the creation and understanding.

Medicae is application.

If Medicae applies to crafting or not is up to the GM. I wouldn't give a bonus for it unless my player gave me a specific and good reason why it should apply. For me it all boils down to the player convincing me why something should be a useful or valid companion skill. If the players argument is sound I'm generally pretty liberal, with the caveat that failure of the first skill test will be detrimental to the second.

How do you see Medicae being used in conjunction with Trade Chymist?

The way it reads in the book Medicae is a crafting skill as well now. I'm guessing you can use either or to craft so say your not a doctor type player but still have trade chymist you can make the drugs but if you already have medicae no reason to have chymist.

For many Trade skills I still use expanded descriptions from Inquisitor's Handbook but chymist was not among them (and medicae and chem-use didn't allow to manufacrure drugs).