Adding single heavy weapons at regiment creation impossible?

By H.B.M.C., in Game Mechanics

I’ve had someone point out to me that you cannot add a single heavy weapon to a squad during regiment creation. Unless we’re reading it wrong, it seems impossible to add a single heavy weapon to a squad. You can add multiple, but not a single.

For example, you have your standard kit, and you’ve got 30 points to allocation to additional standard gear. You can select a Multi-Melta (Very Rare) to the standard kit of your regiment for 20 of those 30 points. Now every character gets a Multi-Melta.

This strikes me as odd. It'd be nice to have a single entry there for 'A single heavy weapon +X ammunition per squad' for, say, 15 points.



I had noticed the Multi-melta thing too.

Your solution seems perfectly sensible, but should it not be the regimental preferred heavy weapon?

That's a good idea. Marry the two concepts. Perfect.


I did suggest in antoehr thread to get the availablity of the metlagun down to Very rare or Rare, they are soemwhat more common than a multi-melta,/plasma weapons

I did suggest in antoehr thread to get the availablity of the metlagun down to Very rare or Rare, they are soemwhat more common than a multi-melta,/plasma weapons

H.B.M.C. said:

That's a good idea. Marry the two concepts. Perfect.


You're very welcome :P

The intent was that special and heavy weapons wouldn't be standard issue kit - they'd be the responsibility of (and thus appear within the rules for) the individual specialities that use them, rather than gathered within the standard gear that everyone receives. Vehicles appear within the Standard Issue lists on a squad level because that always seemed to be the most appropriate place to put them (you can't be a Tank Regiment without Tanks, afterall), but heavy and special weaponry aren't so concept-defining by comparison.

Yes but right now you can spend a few points and give everyone a Multi-Melta as standard kit, whereas you can't even take a single Lascannon per squad. That's the issue here.

A simple amentment that links favoured weapons to a "Add 1 favoured weapon per squad to standard equipment for X points" would solve this.