Creature Creations

By Ryuuken, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG

Does anyone have any creature creations? I made a few and I'm curious to see if anyone else attempted it and/or made sense of the templates

The Edge Entertainment English Anima Forum has a number of new critters.

General Creature Thread , mostly featuring Warhammer conversions on the first page but original works on the second

Kreioth, the Ravager , based on "Karsa Orlong", from the Malazan Book of the Fallen.

Mohelmot , based on the the Moles from the Resident's Mole Trilogy, and by your's truly! (It's actually an early work, and is poorly-done. Note that it has both Block and Dodge listed.)

Sandman's Child , based on the creatures from Der Sandmann by E.T.A. Hoffman, also by yours truly, and a better-made creature overall

Hope these help. And definitely browse around the Edge forum - there's a LOT of great stuff, including Lovecraftian Invocations (I did the King in Yellow) and a whole diversity of other stuff.

Thanks a bunch this will help me out a lot since I'm the kind of gamer that is used to a creature compendium so I am unfamilliar with creature creation

Hey now, Kreioth is totally based on Karsa, especially Karsa in the later books. He is a giant with a wooden sword that shatters steel, though.

I need to update that version of him, as he is vastly different now.

I made stats for an Alligator and Hydra. I will post them this WE.

The link to the Warhammer Creatures sound great!

It's got a lot of critters, but several are from Warhammer (the first few, IIRC). More recently one of my own, a version of the Civitateo, has been added. There's a lot of original creations, and a number of things from other sources.

It's actually a pretty active community over there. ^^

As Anima has conversion stats for D20 style games I dragged out the old Monster Manual and converted a few critters. I stuck to the architypical fantasy creatures (ie Griffon, Manticore, Minotaur, Orcs etc). The creature creation rules seemed to handle this very well. Mind you these are low Gnosis critters, Higher GN ones would be more difficult. I also picked powers that I prefered rather than stick to D20 canon as I think the aim of the two games are very different. In D20 the critters are a dime a dozen, while in Anima I think that most adversaries should be human with creatures being a real shock to the characters. I ran an adventure concerning a Black Sun attempt to turn important members of Abel society into undead spies. Most enemies were mercenaries protecting the lab with some low level Necromancers to spice up things and act as lab assistants to the boss. When the boss unleashed the failed undead experiments (zombies) on the characters it was a real shock. I think this is a good way to use creatures, particularly in an urban intrigue campaign like mine. Creatures could feature more heavily in a Tol Rauko / Inquisition campaign.