Official "Monster Cup" for Arkham Horror and adventure cards

By SuperKalelJorson7, in The Crystal Ball and The Wishing Well

I used to use a CoC card coffin as the monster cup for Arkham Horror. Now, with all the expansions it just is not big enough. I think a monster cup ( or at this point, "bowl" or "barrel" ) with a few bonus monsters would be great.

Also, I think a set of adventure or plot cards for a specific storyline would work well. Some of the criticisms toward the game is that the cards are a series of random events. A set of cards which can be utilized by the investigators which moves the plot along and gives them some sort of bonus. An example might be a Cthulhu scenario where if the investigators spend 3 clues at Arkham Asylum they get the next plot card which gives them an item or ally and directs them toward the next plot card in the Old Woods.

I do understand that I just said that Arkham Horror could use more cards. Clearly I've failed a sanity skill check.

I couldn't agree more about the need for a monster bucket (we usually end up using a large popcorn bowl... but then where does the popcorn go?).

But what I can't see working all that well is the concept of scripted story lines. Unless I'm misunderstanding you, your suggestion would aim the game in a more linear direction, similar to Descent or Doom. I believe one of Arkham's greatest strengths is its open free-roam boards which allow the player to make careful calculated decisions about where they are to go next. I sometimes even enjoy the heated arguments that arise when players differ on which route is optimal for the team. Forcing the player on one of probably only a few linear paths would tend to feel a bit too restricting and create a less dynamic experience. Maybe instead each player could receive individual quests that give bonuses or pickups to that player only, much in the way of World of Warcraft: The Boardgame. Is this what you meant?

PS: I'm a bit new to these forums, but I've been enjoying your quality posts. Keep it up!

PSS: Also, I feel the need to mention that I may come across as adversarial and argumentative at times but that isn't my intent. I just like stirring debate by playing the devil's advocate.

sepayne7l said:

I used to use a CoC card coffin as the monster cup for Arkham Horror. Now, with all the expansions it just is not big enough. I think a monster cup ( or at this point, "bowl" or "barrel" ) with a few bonus monsters would be great.

I would buy that, for sure.

btw, I'm new here, so I don't know: does FFG ever take fan wishes into account?

I've seen all over the forum various suggestions that are pretty realistic (by that I mean doable, not some crazy over-the-top ideas), like Monster Cup and such, and it would be nice if they'd listen.

plus, there' s that $$ potential ;)

I think the plot cards they came out with for the GOOs were probably the best way to go. Plot cards that last the entire game wouldn't be a terrible idea either. I was considering making my own that would be specific to each Great Old One and a new piece of story comes out at certain points when doom tokens are added to the GOO sheet.

A monster bag of some sort would also be nice. I don't necessarily need a "cup." We use a velvet, drawstring bag of some sort currently.

Investigator miniatures would be fun as well.

Other than that, I would love to see a custom set of frakkin dice. I'll sometimes go off on rants while we're playing about how terrible the dice are. There should be at least 10 Arkham-themed dice. It's insane that there aren't.

For the plot card ideas, take a look at the league they've got going. It has certain similarities to what you suggest.