Or maybe Voltron…
If our PCs happen to be part of a vehicle squad….
On page 258, we see the nearest orks drop off their towers and charge. The other orks drop off their towers and….
Transform into a battlewagon!!
Replace the second wave of Orks with a Battle Wagon (see page 244). It still takes 3 combat rounds to reach the combat.
The other alternative is that the battle wagon was standing guard in the other watchtowers and not orks…
Perhaps this should read:
"Add a Battle Wagon (see page 244) to the second wave of Orks. It still takes 3 combat rounds to reach the combat. "
"Mount the second wave of Orks on a Battle Wagon (see page 244). It still takes 3 combat rounds to reach the combat. "
"Replace the second wave of Orks with a Battle Wagon (see page 244). It still takes 3 combat rounds to reach the combat. The remaining Orks charge out 3 combat rounds after the battle wagon arrives. " (this conflicts with the Nob and Grots though who would then come out earlier than the Orks)
I can't imagine the remaining orks diving down off their towers in a frenzy to get into combat, and then deciding suddenly to sit back and play a game of cards while the battlewagon goes ahead instead.
Incidentally, while a battle wagon is a fair competitor for a Leeman Russ, it's a bit rough for the other vehicles such as a Sentinel or Hellhound team. You may want another option for them.