Left over points from creating regiment

By Master Pelle, in Game Mechanics

I was wondering something after I have tried to create different kind of regiments.I have tried to create regiments with cheapest options and I end with 1-2 points over. So those left over points, will they convert to equipment points or they will be simple to be lost?

Yes you and me both; I made a regiment and ended up with 1 point leftover, would they be concerted into, I dunno perhaps 5+/10+ extra points for the standard kit?

Rules as Written, you don't get anything for having points left over.

ah ok! I wasn't sure if there was something to do with them or not.

N0-1_H3r3 said:

Rules as Written, you don't get anything for having points left over.

That is something that I'm concern about. Any unspend points should carry over something else or else the you are forced to do optimized cost spending to make use all the points.

Master Pelle said:

N0-1_H3r3 said:

Rules as Written, you don't get anything for having points left over.

That is something that I'm concern about. Any unspend points should carry over something else or else the you are forced to do optimized cost spending to make use all the points.

This is a good point. And something I found myself doing with a flat out Penal Legion!

Maybe something simple like each squad member getting a bonus 100 XP at Chargen per leftover point? Or a bonus wound? It probably shouldn't be something quite as good as if you managed to optimize, but if there's something, then I think the incentive to optimize will take second seat to cool. As it stands, I can see players being a lot more likely to go for optimized than cool, especially since Optimized can mean 1 or even 2 Aptitudes…

The more I think of it, the more I think it makes sense to have an "extras" bank at the end, with additional stuff to spend remaining points on. Things like extra equipment points, a free or locked aptitude, extra wounds, maybe some less seen ones (like melee talents, or vehicle related ones). You could even have things only cost 0.5 points in there, to help fill out small concepts related to the regiment or particular unit.

Given that there are doctrines which affect the final requisition for the regiment's starting kit, giving additional req for unspent regimental build points might be a bit much. It is the idea which bears the most merit, imho.

-=Brother Praetus=-

I´m thinking of this for a while now and got an idea

would it be possible to add another 2 - 4 to special equipment doctrines to the book ?


Special weapon training

Because of his homeworld this regiment runs through an additional weapon training

either additional prefered weapons or due to honor the heroes of a battle long ago

Cost : 1

Get one specialised additional Weapon training

i.e. shotguns/SP Pistols/Flamer/Meltagun/sword/staff/spear

for 1 point a whole weapon group would be to much but i think this would be usable an add additional flavour to an Regiment

you could also use it for the prefered weapons of the regiment ( even if normaly only specialists in the regiment are equiped with missile launcher everyone is trained to use them)

Extensive Vehicle training

Due to the lack of special trained Personell each member of this regiment has to know the Vehicle their regiment operaes and frequently uses

Limited : Armoured Regiment, Reconnaisanse Regiment or Mechanised Infanterie

Cost : 1

Choose one :Operate (Tracked or Walker) or Tech use ( Tracked or Walker) every member of this regiment get the special skill as a trained skill

any thoughts about it ?

N0-1_H3r3 said:

Rules as Written, you don't get anything for having points left over.

So is there a particular reason for this? Given how some of the options are rate "stronger" than others, wouldn't leftover points mean you're "weaker"?

Personally I see no issue in saying that 1 point = 5 supply points, and that every 5 supply points left over is say 50-100 XP. Sure, it'd give players a slightly accelerated start, but having a weak regiment type and lowered quality base kit is going to hurt when they're 5 weeks into a forced march across the planet and they find themselves boiling their boots.

XP doesn't fill your stomach.

Another idea would be maybe a one point modifier to one of the things…

Like a couple 1 point additions to make a homeworld different. Or an 'Elite' marker to modify regiment type that gives something else at the very end?