Delay - Inevitable Confusion

By Darth Smeg, in Game Mechanics

I notice the wording of the Delay Action is pretty much the same as it has always been.

This has caused many forum threads to manifest (in all the different gameforums), discussing whether the Action can be combined with other half-actions, or whether it must be the first Half Action taken, and that the other Half Action is the one reserved for future use.

I urge FFG to update the text to clarify this.

Pretty please?

I'll totally second this. I'd urge the wording to be changed on Delay to something more like

"Delay is a Half action that must be taken as the only Half action on your turn. Delaying immediately ends your turn, but allows you to save your other Half action for use any time before your next turn."

That is basically what it is meant to do, but so many people try and argue that you can take a Half action attacking and THEN delay and so get a second Half action attack in a single turn.

Indeed. But if it IS the first and only Action you can take on your turn (Delay ends your turn), than it really ought to be a Full Action.

As written, it is ambiguos.

Also, clarification on if the delay is used to interrupt, exactly who's turn is it at that moment?

E.g. If I disrupt someone's turn with a delayed attack, are they able to dodge or not? Counter attack can't be dodged, overwatch can't be dodged, but could this be?

Another clarification needed is to do with Two Weapon Fighting - as it standands becasue Delay says it ends your turn it effectively makes your delayed half action a seperate turn, meaning that you can currently Two Weapon Wielder for two Lightening attacks/swift attacks/fullatuos/semi-autos, then delay, and then do another Two Weapon Wielder with Lightening attack/Swift Attack/Full-auto/semi-auto, all in the same round of combat.

I think we need to hear from the Developers on this one.


I think the "who's turn is it" thing doesn't matter anymore, as if it is like the rules in the free rpg supplement Reactions no longer say you cannot use them in your turn, just that they are "normally" not used on your turn. Of course this change may not be carried over to the full rules, and even if it is, unless something is changed for counterattack and overwatch, people will now be able to dodge those.

Actually the rules still have the whole "reactions can't be used on your turn" and goes to point out specifically that overwatch can't be dodged (because it occurs on your turn).

p. 174 and p. 177

Thank you to FFG for addressing this :)

Making Delay a Full Action clears up the point I rose, but I suppose the jury is still out on the whole Reactions bit, and whose turn it is when you decide to make your reserved action.