
By Frankie, in Game Mechanics

Personally, I think it could use a buff since it really doesn't compare to full-auto or accurate weapons.

Either make enemies test To to not be knocked down when hit in PBR, or have the additional hits work in PBR and Short Range.

Yes, Point Blank is Very situational, and shotguns are typically used in Short range.

I preferred the Black Crusade approach with +DMG and +To Hit on Short Range, rather than extra hits. Any particular reasoning for reverting to "the old way" of doing things?

Edit: Especially as PB is reduced to just 2m. The shotgun is the weapon of choice for indoor use because it makes it easier to hit (and it packs a better punch) than pistols. But mechanically it has no advantage in typical "across the room" situations as things stand now.

Besides, the rules for Dodging multiple hits make the situation a bit strange: At such close range, you're either going to clear the shot completely, or get the full impact. The dodging multiple hits makes sense for sequential autofire, where you dive to the side and the attacker trails with his firing weapon. But this is just one shot.

Personally, I didn't like the BC version at all since it wasn't much better than Tearing.

Having DH Scatter work up to short range would be perfect, though. Besides, having to stay in PBR can be a pain if you're fighting a melee'r.

Actually, Tearing is a good idea. Scatter could give +10 to hit on PB and Short, and count as Tearing at PB.

Nice and easy :)

I agree that extending it to short would make more sense. PB range most characters would rather move in and knife someone, short at least makes it an actual ranged weapon.