More Replacement Options

By Frankie, in Game Mechanics

There should be an option to switrch the main weapon for a Bullpup Lasgun, Hot-Shot Lasgun (Grenadiers and the like), , Laslock, Autogun, Flintlock Musket, Triplex Lasgun.

And maybe even different armor, too.

I like this idea, even if you can change parts of your standard issue gear already. Though, to be honest, a lasgun does not make that much of a difference since a lot of people will use something else as their specialisation dictates. So if you downgrade to say the flintlock, it would not make that much of a difference.

Maybe it should also be changed?

But yeah, its silly for an Imperial Guard game to have 'Lascarbine' and 'M36 Lasgun' being your only options.