New GM cheat sheet ready (v6)

By HedgeWizard, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

I updated my old GM cheat sheets (to v 6.0) and thought I would share them with the community (last revision publicly available was 4.0). They're currently available via BGG , and I believe/hope Gitzman will update his resources page too.

As before, this is material I made for myself, and thought it would be useful. I've included a couple of my home-brew rules (not many, and they take up very little space). These are denoted with the bottle/brew icon next to the rules.

Elsewise, I've significantly condensed the material down from 8 pages to 5, while including much MORE information, including rules form the last few releases. I've also changed the formatting significantly, and spruced them up with some color and GW/FFG art assets for theme.

I did note one typo already, but I the content should be solid.

Thanks a lot for sharing this!

Great job!

Just one point, there seems to be an error in the Insanity treatment roll, you have written Discipline (0d), while it should be Discipline (2d)


Really? Where does it say that? I am looking at the player's guide right now and don't see a difficult listed. (p92/93).

Some time ago there was a discussion in these forums about the difficulty of the check to recover from permanent insanities. The discussion arised because in the rule book there is no difficulty stated, but on the other hand it claims that "if the result of the dice pool has banes…". Therefore I asked FFG, what follows is the answer I got, I hope they include it in a future errata:

"> Rule Question:
> Dear support member,
> In Player's Guide chapter 9, page 92, under "Recovering from Insanity" it states "A character can remove an insanity by succeeding at a number of Discipline checks equal to the intensity of the insanity, as shown on the individual insanity card." Shortly after, in page 93 it says "On these Discipline checks, critical failure indicates not only a lack of progress, but a slow immersion into the madness. If the Discipline check fails and generates 2 or more banes, remove 1 success from the characters attempts towards recovery."
> Which is the default difficulty for one of these tests? Simple, Easy, Average, Hard, Daunting…?
> Thank you in advance for your help.
> Yepes"


These checks should be Average (2d) difficulty.

Enjoy the game!

~Dan Clark
Creative Content Developer
Fantasy Flight Games"

Ah! Okay. I didn't recall seeing that errata'd but this works for me. I'll update soon. Thanks!

The document has been updated on


Many thanks, good sir!

I didn't get a chance to make the couple of corrections this weekend, but when I do, I'll let you know.

Thank you for sharing this, HedgeWizard. It's really awesome!

Very nice cheat sheet, thanks a lot for making it!

Just a short question. From which supplement(s) is the rules for Scrolls and Wands? Is it in Winds of Magic? Thought I had read that through thoroughly, but I may have missed it.

The warpstone, wands and staffs, scrolls, etc. are from Winds of Magic for sure.


Your site link needs updating as you are still linking to v4. I just replaced the "4" with a "6" in the url and it went right there, but others might not figure that out! Thanks for the great resource Hedgy! I have been playing pretty regularly (GMing 30+ sessions), have purchased pretty much everything, and have to say I learned a ton of rules from your concise layout. Cheers!

Yes i noticed that too lol. It has been fixed.

Thank you!
