Please submit your proofreading suggestions for this chapter here.
Chapter X: Adversaries & NPCs
The entries for Ogryns and Ratling (page 245) and Commissars and Stormtroopers (page 246) have written "See page @@ for more information on", with no page number.
The bookmarked links work for Ogryns, Ratlings and Commissars still, but the Stormtroopers are not linked.
I'm not sure it this goes really here..
The Chaos Renegade Militia's lasgun's stats have Variable setting, but the Quality is never explained anywhere.
Pg 232
Weapons: Lasgun (Basic; 100m; S/3/–; 1d10+3 E; Pen 0
Clip 60; Reload Full;
Variable Setting
), Combat Knife (Melee
1d5+3 R; Pen 0), 3 Frag Grenades (Thrown; 9m; S/–/–
2d10 X; Pen 0; Clip 1; Reload –; Blast [3]). .
Page 240 - Ork Boy
Choppa should be 1d10+6 (Choppa = 1d10+1, Strength Bonus 4, Crushing Blow adds a further +1, therefore 1d10+6, not 1d10+5 as listed there).
Page 240 - Ork Nob
Choppa should be 1d10+11 (Choppa = 1d10+1, Strength Bonus 8, Crushing Blow adds a further +2, therefore 1d10+11, not 1d10+12 as listed there).
Page 241 - Rundherd
Choppa should be 1d10+6 (Choppa = 1d10+1, Strength Bonus 4, Crushing Blow adds a further +1, therefore 1d10+6, not 1d10+5 as listed there).
Page 241 - Squig
It's movement value is incorrect. It should be 3/6/9/12 (not 24!!!).
Page 245 - Servitor
Ok… well… it's better than it was I 'spose, but still incorrect. For starters, to avoid any future confusion, let's change Servo-Arm to Servo-Fist. It's what every other generic Servitor in every other RPG book has, and a Servo-Arm is a very specific thing. That'll avoid confusion. Furthermore, it would be 1d5+7 damage, not 1d5+5. That will fix the Servitor (for the most part).
Page 246 - Ratling Sniper
Long-Las should be 1d10+5 (1d10+3 base, +2 for Mighty Shot).
And I share the opinion that a lot of people seem to have in that Ogryn appear to be artificially underpowered. 26 wounds and TB7? They're almost 3 times the bulk of a Marine. They're bigger than Ork Warbosses.
In Orks section name of Gretchin minion is written 'Getchin'. An I agree with H.B.M.C. about Ogryn stats. Please FFG stay true to their fluff. Ogryns should be as strong and tough as average Ork Warboss. They will balance their high S/T/W stats in game because outside them they are too dumb for anything else.
1. Why Ork Stormboy has TB 8? There is no fluff reason that they should be tougher than Slugga/Burna etc. boyz.
2. No Ork except Warboss should be tougher and have more wounds than Ogryn.
The first line of the Stormboy description reads, "In this way, Stormboyz are unique among the Ork species." In what way exactly?
Imperial Guardsman (Pg 244-245) has Speak Language (Low Gothic ) instead of Linguistics (Low Gothic) .
Storm Trooper (Pg 246) has Speak Language (Low Gothic) instead of Linguistics (Low Gothic).
The Ogryn (Pg 245), Ratling (Pg 245-246) and Commissar (Pg 246) have no languages at all!
not sure if this goes here but with the nob stats on pg 240 i think a powerclaw should be listed as an option for its melee weapon as nobs with powerclaws are kind of an iconic figure.
ogryn p.245
Ripper Gun in Melee: the stats are wrong. A ripper gun counts as a warhammer. so the stats should be: Damage: 1D10 + 9, Pen 1, special: ogryn-proof, primitive (8).
Not sure if it's intended or not, but the Ork Runtherd is the only Handler type enemy in the book that doesn't have any special rule for how he handles his Minions.
Orks are all listed as having the Brutal Charge trait.
This trait requires a defining value, e.g. Brutal Charge (2)
The Commissar on page 246 is Cold-Hearted. Assuming he's not a chaos cultist in disguise, this should be Chem-Geld.
Deffgun is weaker than big shoota. In TT, deffguns have S7 AP4 and Heavy d3 , which makes them more like autocannon, (Big shoota S5, AP5, Assault 3).
Here Big Shoota deals 2d10+5 I, Pen 2 whilst deffgun 2d10+3 X, Pen 6, Tearing, Inaccurate. I propose changing the damage of deffgun to 3d10+3 I; Pen 6, and it should be ok. You can also add varialble full auto eg -/-/1d5+4
Swarm trait should be added to Razorwing flocks and snotling swarm. Also it should be added to Traits section. I don't see a reason to remove this trait.
p.234 Bloodletter : should not this daemon [and with it comes change to Hellblade] have Warp Weapon trait?
Page 233
Chaos Renegade Psyker
Renegae should be Renegade