Please submit your proofreading suggestions for this chapter here.
Chapter VIII: Combat
Page 212, under "Repair Difficulty" Table 8-31: Repair Location & Conditions should be Table 8-30 instead.
Vehicles – Page 202
The introduction mentions the section contains Vehicle Traits. As Vehicle Traits have been moved to the Armoury, this line is no longer correct nor accurate. Perhaps a sidebar somewhere that mentions Vehicle Traits (and a page reference) would be good.
Vehicles – Page 203
Hit & Run Action, second paragraph, line 9, word 10. Should be ‘crashes’ and not ‘crash’.
Vehicles – Page 205
“Any attack that hits the top of bottom of the vehicle counts as having hit the back facing.”
That should be
“…hit the Rear Facing.”
Nice add though. I was wondering about top/bottom shots, but this covers it.
Critical Chart – Page 206
Result 1. Should be
, not
. Defined game term.
Very Long Repair Times – Page 212
The word
in the first line should be removed. It should just say
“… the players need to complete…”
“…the players are need to complete…”
Fire Damage – Page 213
Third line under the sub-heading Repair Time. Remove the word
. It should just say
“Varies/1 hour for every 6 rounds/30 seconds (or part thereof) the vehicle spent alight or had a crewmember or passenger within it who was on fire”.
Weapon Destroyed – Page 215
Where it says
“One a replacement has been acquired…”
it should say
“Once a replacement has been acquired…”
page 157.
"This allows the crew to fire the earthshaker cannon using a Standard Attack Action rather than an Indirect Fire or Barrage Action ."
page 186.
"Making an Indirect Fire or Barrage ranged Action ."
Barrage Action/ Barrage ranged Action is not covered anywhere in the rulebook.
Indirect Fire is covered as a quality (and is workable), but is not mentioned as an action per se.
Pg. 188 says that when you collapse from fatigue, it's for 10TB minutes instead of 10-TB minutes.
Pg 204, Column 1, Vehicle Attacks, Bullet Point 3. States:
"Gunners or passengers can take Full Actions even if the vehicle has moved (ie. they can still make a Full-Auto Attack Action even if the vehicle moved that turn). "
Full/Semi-Auto are Half-Actions rendering that example moot.
pg 200-Special situations box under pinning
"..may act even if his controlling Player character is under the effects of fear"
should be the effects of pinning.
On page 177 under the section Full Auto Burst it reads “…The attacker makes a Ballistic Skill Test with a –10 bonus to his attack…” the bonus should be a penalty and instead reads “…The attacker makes a Ballistic Skill Test with a –10 penalty to his attack…”
On page 211 under Repairing Vehicles, it reads "Unlike living beings vehicles to not heal naturally over time…" To should be do, so the sentence should instead read, "Unlike living beings, vehicles do not heal naturally over time…"
As I pointed out in another thread the range rules in this chapter (p.185) and in the Equipment chapter (p.120) suggest two different ways of calculating a weapon's range. This inconsistency is a leftover from the first edition of DH.
Page 182 in the determine hit location box, any hit between 71-85 is listed as "Right Left". This should be "Right Leg"
Page 195
Table 8-18: Impact Critical Effects – Leg
Entry 6 recieves should be receives
Page 202
Healing Comrades
recieving should be receiving
Page 211
Table: 8-30 Repair Location & Conditions
materiels should be materiel or materials
Page 212
Repair Difficulty
Table: 8-31: Repair Location & Conditions should be Table: 8-30 Repair Location & Conditions
Careful Repairs
competing should be completing
Page 213
Fire Damaged
…or passenger within it who had was on fire.
should be one of these
…or passenger within it who had been on fire.
…or passenger within it who was on fire.