the recursion patsy

By COCLCG, in Call of Cthulhu Deck Construction

just a heads up on my latest deck ideas


i already have a high skill based parallel universe / mr. pan - shub / syndicate deck built, but i am now converting it to include (or possibly have as its theme) the notion of a recursion patsy.

should be quite simple to do with cards like hungry dark one, corrupted midwife, shadowed woods and safe house all with the ability to bring it back, and plenty s.destructions / thief for hire to remove snow graves (and of course jamburg to bring back the locations).

could quite possibly shock transform it in as well if truly desperate (as i already have this card for tommy bananas).


also lends to the inclusion of a recursion / shock transforming hack journalist, which would mean the opponent can do all the work for me, some of the deck could be dedicated to reducing the opponent to 0 skill to make it virtually impossible to win a story in 1 turn, and the rest can remain the high skill story winner (if it even needs it). may even mutate to a yog / shub / syndicate deck wholly made to do this (as i'd be more than happy to lose a resourced hack journalist with twilight gate to swing 4 successes). so sit back, relax, wait for the story to hit 3 or 4 successes and in you go (in theory).

might add bred to survive so the only stop to it would be a flat out destruction card.

i would REALLY appreciate it if people could PLEASE lend any advice or setbacks that might be presentable before i go all ga - ga over these decks and commit many hours to the solid playtest only my most dedicated decks recieve (and before anyone says yha'nthlei statue or stygian eye remember i'll be packing a heap of s.destructions).

oh, i forgot:


remain with my original favourite shub / yog with the simple changes of shock transform, twilight gate and hack journalist. any time a story gets 5 TOTAL successes he should be available somehow to come in and take the story.

The main concern I can see is that you are splitting your fishing abilities between the draw pile, the discard pile, and domains. I think I liked your other decks slightly better, because they were focused on milling into the discard pile and then playing out of the discard pile, which is a bit more straightforward. I think it's possible to end up in a situation where you need something in the deck but all your cards in hand are for fishing the discard pile. If all your fishing cards are oriented toward one zone, and you have a lot of abilities to keep that one zone fed with the cards you need, that's less likely to happen.

One workaround would be to include cards that help you move critical cards between zones; Pawn Broker, obviously, but also Blackmoor Estate, The Stone on the Peak, etc.


C) is a bit tricky and perhaps a bit too broad as you stated.

A) is very easy to incorporate and would be more of an annoying -2 successes repeatedly.

B) would just take some refining and getting used to through a lot of practice with the deck i think.

thanks for the input!! 'milled' one deck to try at least.