Help a new player with a Melee deck!!!

By Pain, in 4. AGoT Deck Construction

Hello! i am a new player and are not 100% sure about the way you should think when you build a deck so i thought that i say what expansion i got so you can help me with a melee deck. the sets i have are:

lords of winter
princes of the sun
lions of the rock
refugees of war
a time of trials
beyond the wall
the wildling horde
return of the others
a song of silence
tourney for the hand
on dangerous grounds

The houses i am intressted in are Baratheon and Greyjoy but i want to try all houses so teach me xD.

well personally i would need a little more information before i just start building decks, like what kind of deck do you want to play, and how big is your melee group and how familiar with the game are you?

jack merridew said:

well personally i would need a little more information before i just start building decks, like what kind of deck do you want to play, and how big is your melee group and how familiar with the game are you?

Hello sorry for a little late answer. I am not sure what kind of deck i want to play but i am interessted in baratheon and greyjoy. Right now there are almost none who playes at my local shop but i am trying to recruit more players. I have played a few games but the only games i have played is with the core starter.