New Adventure Card in the novel, "Lies of Solace"

By SuperKalelJorson7, in Elder Sign

I just got Lies of Solace, the new Arkham Horror novel and noticed the redemption coupon for a new Elder Sign adventure in the back.

This may be old news, just wanted to share. I'll be sending away for it this week.

I am not aware of this card. Does anyone get it and would share a scan? I tried to find it on BGG but failed.

I recived mine. Its an interesting card.

Tasks:(2) any order.

1) Investigation(2)/scroll

2) Skull/Skull

Fail:Health/Sanity/Clue token

Win: Monster/Unique/Ally

Got mine last week. There's a scan on BGG now if you want it that way.

Can anyone tell me if these books promo redemption certifcates are USA only?

Thanks in advance :)

You should be able to get them from outside the US as well, but IIRC it says allow 6-8 weeks for US shipping, longer for international. It's one of the reasons I haven't bothered with them.