Fame and Fortune balance: need sugestions

By viniciuspsi, in Sid Meier's Civilization: The Board Game

Hi fellows!

We recently acquired fame and fortune expansion and we are very pleased with it. It's a great job of Fantasy Flight Games.
However, two new elements seems very unbalanced - the military investment and the great people deck.
The investment provides very high bonuses for a relatively low cost and makes the military presence very oppressive in the game, favoring this way of winning and making the game potentially frustrating for those who develop other ways.
The great people cards can be even more devastating, some are too absurd to be acquired in the first step of the culture track, like the card that allows you to save all figures lost in combat, for example.
Since our desire as players is to always include all variants of an expansion without detriment to the game, I thought the ideal balance these two variants would reduce the military bonus and split the deck of great people in levels, as well as culture event cards.
To do so, I would like suggestions from you about how to do it, and also to hear other suggestions.
Thanks in advance. A good game to all!

Sometimes it could seems so unbalanced but probably depend to how many player are playng. I played many and many times F&F and i saw some problem. Some modern wonder are impossible to made in a 2/3 player and in 4/5 are hard to pick all. In max 3 player do a militar victory prob is easy but sometimes an hard scientific work can made you some problem, defend with wall and let attacker use first a card is an amazing advanta (nice units thx research and nice defense is a perfect combo). Resolve these problem is possible due the Era: you understand that some great person are too strong, e.g. Marie Curie you can use one resouece to do atomic bom; but if i create 3 deck like wonders? Depending the date some are ancient and some modern. This will be nice. Then the wonder we use to change era when someone do 3 research of 2lvl medieval and 3 for 3lvl modern so everyone can see new modern wonder. Now we have 4 wonder every era. No one can build wonder of an undiscovered era or past era What do you think?