OK, so it is like "after you overmine an area (regardless of whether it is the first time or second), you immediately put the workers back to your unavalible worker's pool", right?
Force Mining- Has anyone ever used it?
The workers only go to the unavailable worker pool if a resource area is completely depleted, else the workers just stay on the resource card.
Or, to say it with the rules: Rulebook page 20:
"If a partially depleted Resource card is force mined again, its Resource card is immediately removed from the game (return it to the box) and any workers assigned to it are immediately moved to the Unavailable Workers aera on their player's Faction Sheet ."
Emphasis mine.
I reed the rules like this:
If a resource area is force mined for the first time the resource card is flipped to the partially depleted side and the workers including the extra worker used to force mine the area are placed on the resource card. When the partially depleted area is force mined again all the workers are returned to the unavailable worker pool.
This is what I tried to explain earlier, I think this is in line with the rules.
Boromir said:
Aye, I actually meant to agree with you
haslo said:
Aye, I actually meant to agree with you
I am glad we meant the same thing
OK now I see the point of doing this. The only thing is that there are some event cards that can be used against it.
Sometimes I just need the extra resource.
It is a great way to counter the first turn rush as well. If you are getting rushed by Zealots and have no hope of holding them off, you can destroy your former planet and evacute to the next planet. It also works well with the "Scouting Party" or "Reinforcements" card. Just throw them on an empty space on your enemy's planet, then force mine that area. Playing the Strip Mine strategy is my favorite way to go. Get the most plentiful planet and burn down the rest.
Just one more question: can you force mine twice within the same build order? (Put two extra worker instead of one)
You may force mine a resource directly to depletion with one built order by overmining the resource area twice. Or you may force mine two different resource area with one built order, as long as you obey the rules mentioned earlier.
Hius said:
Just one more question: can you force mine twice within the same build order? (Put two extra worker instead of one)
Yes. From the rules:
" A player may fully deplete a Resource card during a single build or research action. That is, he may force mine the card twice during the same action."
Well... I gotta read the entire rule book again!
Never a bad idea. One misses something everytime when he reads the rules.