Introductory Scenario?

By AceXT, in Dust Tactics

Hello everybody, I'm looking for advice on which scenario to use for an introduction to Dust Tactics. I assume the Victory Bridge scenarios are intended as an introduction, but I've read that balance can be somewhat off for these. I also have Operation Seelöwe and Blue Thunder (from the Terrain Tile Set). If it makes any difference, we're both experienced tabletop gamers, so the rules basics should come pretty quickly. Any suggestions? I'd appreciate your advice.

I'd start from the beginning: Blue Thunder.

I'd agree. Just start with and go through Blue Thunder.

Avoid the first Victory Bridge scenario as an introductory game. It's a pretty boring scenario with only 2 units per side, and you wouldn't want to turn someone off the game with it.

Thank you! I guess we'll start with Blue Thunder, then. I just noticed that the first scenario asks for two armor class 2 units for each side. Since that doesn't work with the forces from the Revised Set, we'll just skip to the second scenario.