I think the next model should be a german heavy bit like barry, they lack a heavy gunner!
next model out
Then what you want is the barron von Karloff…
wow it that coming out?.i hope so
The only character that is actually announced to be released is Edison for the Union. I think that if FFG plans to release a Reich character to balance him out, they should just announce it so that we will know what's about to come. Although I'd gladly take von Karloff, any other cool Reich hero will do for me as long as they actually announce something.
yeah hope the do it soon….where is that picture taken from?
It's a very old piece of concept art from Tannhauser's original developer T.O.Y.
Here is a blog post with more…
You'll also see some game cards for the French only Tannhauser card game Field Ops, you can learn more about that here…
Hope that helps…
great stuff, thanks. I too hope they make some heros based of that, that new guy coming out was listed so maybe they will do some of the others. Dont ya just hate it when companys sit on good stuff grrrr
does anyone have a copy of tannhauser field ops?….if so is the instructions in french?
It only comes in French, and it's really hard to find because there was just the one printing, sold only in Europe.