Allied Cobra/Rattler repose

By blkdymnd, in Dust Tactics

Did not like those horrible running legs, this fits in the army transport bag a bit easier.


I dont have mine yet but they do look very awkward to look at. Good reposition work.

Nice work. How hard was it to reposition the legs? What did you have to do?

Loophole Master said:

Nice work. How hard was it to reposition the legs? What did you have to do?

This was actually a very easy conversion and all based on the right leg. I found the leg was only attached to the front wheel by a small piece of plastic. Once the leg was detached, it was just a point of cutting the back hydraulic and extending the front hydraulic to size and swiveling the leg and foot flat. Once that was done, the left leg was in the perfect position and height to stand on the crate.

Oh, I did have to cut and reposition that front curving plate at the very top of the leg, that part wasn't terribly tough.

I wish whoever was designing these models would learn that a basic aggressive stance will do just fine for miniatures. You really, really don't realize how much I truly hate the "charging forward action pose" that is the "oops, I slipped on a banana peel and will take up more space than I need in a box" pose. One reason I pretty much stopped ordering DT, because I'm was going to do some one night mini tourneys at my FLGS (which has absolutely zero DT interest going around) and didn't want to stop to do surgery on stupidly designed and ugly minis while I'm already consistently behind on 40k stuff I'm doing.

Wow looks awesome! Post more when you complete it!