Nurse for the allies

By Error 718, in Dust Tactics General Discussion

We ever going to get the nurse as a model?….still a few listed that aint out.

It would be nice to have a Rosie-equivalent for the troops. Someone with Fast, who can run around restoring lost soldiers.

Well if FFG is still doing things like last year then we should have some new stuff announced soon to be released over the summer then at Gencon they will say what coming the rest of the year.

Loophole Master said:

It would be nice to have a Rosie-equivalent for the troops. Someone with Fast, who can run around restoring lost soldiers.

That is a nice summary of rules for her. There is a nurse miniature for AT43, could be a good simple conversion.

you got a link to that model?

Humm, if that's the right scale it would fit perfectly with Dust.

can it still be bought?…cant find anywhere thats selling her :(

I saw one on ebay the other day. Look it up under at-43 med-tec. It comes with 2-3 models and a medical container

Loophole Master said:

Humm, if that's the right scale it would fit perfectly with Dust.

I'm pretty sure AT-43 is a really close match for Dust. There are pics of different miniatures together for scale somewhere.