Players in Milwaukee WI?

By Ulairi, in 3. AGoT Organized Play

I'm looking for players in Milwaukee WI.

My buddy and I play quite a bit, mainly because we're not sure if there are standing 'game nights' in the area? I think Games Universe does something. Regardless, we're always looking for game.

I was in the Brookfield Game Universe on Saturday and they said that people play but they haven't run any events. I'm going to try to run some demos and hopefully we can get some regular tournies going.

You guys should come down to the regional in the Chicago suburbs on June 30th. Good way to connect and see what other people are doing with the game. Info is here .

There is a Google Group for WI AGOT javascript:void(0);/*1339906556446*/ There hasn't been a lot of activity, but if someone posts looking for games that should spark some activity. I've been playing at my place or a friend's, but we've been looking for a store to meet other players (but not looking very hard). BTW I am in Racine and he and his brother are in Glendale.