If you were to develop a campaign system for Battlelore where would you start?

By guest399644, in Battlelore

I have been tinkering around with a campaign system for Battlelore for a while and need some new ideas. The current version is based on a combination of GW's old version of Mighty Empires and the Settlers of Catan. I have also tried Grey Hawk Wars but the lack of Elves and light cavalry makes it a bit difficult. Has anyone else given this a try or am I just wasting my time?


I have in the past given this a certain amount of thought and they can be found by following the link in my signature (if you want to pillage ideas or steer well clear so you can hammer things out yourself).

I personally believe that the campaign rules need to be pretty light (KISS approach) as the game itself is very stream lined and I'd prefer time actually fighting battles to determening supply lines etc (other games yes, BL no). Not saying there shouldn't be tough decisions.

I can see the merit in using existing games / systems, especially when they have pretty pieces but unless they are a natural fit I wouldn't force them to marry.

If you post what you've got so far I'd like to have a read.


The download says: "Duplicate headers received from server. Error 349 (net::ERR_RESPONSE_HEADERS_MULTIPLE_CONTENT_DISPOSITION): Multiple distinct Content-Disposition headers received. This is disallowed to protect against HTTP response splitting attacks."

Just the basics, and mostly for a solo campaign. At the end of each battle I would roll a die for each unit destroyed: the appropriate color banner and the unit is eliminated, but a Flag and the unit comes back but starts the next game with one less figure (representing a loss of morale). Any units that survived and were wounded, but were on the losing side would roll a die: on a Flag they would start the next game with one less figure. All units that survive on the winning side come back at full figure counts.

When units come back with one less figure (in the rules above), it is from their normal full complement, i.e. a Human blue infantry unit survives, but is on the losing side with one figure remaining; it rolls a Flag and next game they start with 4-1=3 figures.

I would use the Specialist cards to determine reinforcements, if the unit loss on a side gets too bad, but otherwise I would prefer that objectives on the map actually contain troops. Examples would be taking town X gets you 1 Human Green Infantry, while another might be 1 Human Green Archers, etc. It would also be a nice way to work in Heroes and Treasures.

Still working out my ideas.
