Boat Charter on Falcon Point

By Esto, in Fan Creations

I can understand if you use this ability during the Movement Phase to bring another Investigator to an aquatic location, that this 2nd Investigator does not receive any movement at all. But what about the 1st Investigator if he uses the Boat Charter to get his friend out before taking any movement points at all? Can he commence his move after he pays the 2 bucks? Falcon Point stipulates that: "Investigators may not move any further after moving with this location ability?" Is Investigator #1 considered to have moved even though there are no movement points required for the Boat Charter?

I apologize for placing this item in the wrong section. Earlier today, I was looking through the "Fan Creations" & didn't realize I was still in this section when I submitted my query. If it's possible for the mods to place this post in the proper section, I'd appreciate it very much.

No probs with the posting in the wrong section of the forum :-) But I guess it's easier for you to copy and paste your question on the main forum rather than waiting for the mods intervention (I've never ever seen *any* post reposted by mods)

Anyway, as for your question: the wording on FP is "Investigators may not move any further after moving with this location ability". The key words are "after moving with this ability". So, an investigator paying in FP to move (himself) to any aquatic location cannot move further in that round. BUT if investigator A in Falcon Point pays to move Investigator B to Falcon Point, then investigator A can move further, no probs, it is Investigator B that is *not* allowed to move any further (since Investigator A did not move using FP ability, he did move another investigator)

Hope this helps!

Thanks, Julia. This is the answer I was hoping to receive. It's come up in a very critical part of the game & I desperately need Investigator A to move 1 space & take out a Child of the Goat so that Investigator B has a chance to get to the Esoteric Order of Dagon on his next turn to try & seal the final gate & prevent Yibb-Tstll from waking up. It's a race against time now!

Lucky for me that you were patrolling the "Fan Creation" site.

Esto said:

Thanks, Julia. This is the answer I was hoping to receive. It's come up in a very critical part of the game & I desperately need Investigator A to move 1 space & take out a Child of the Goat so that Investigator B has a chance to get to the Esoteric Order of Dagon on his next turn to try & seal the final gate & prevent Yibb-Tstll from waking up. It's a race against time now!

Lucky for me that you were patrolling the "Fan Creation" site.

::laughter:: I hope you managed to defeat Ybb!