Dust Freeform (off the grid)

By Hairystef, in Dust Tactics General Discussion

There's been a lot of talk about how Dust Warfare isn't Dust Tactics and I fully agree. But, although I prefer DT over DW, I still like to play tabletop better than a flat board grid….

Here's my solution : Freeform rules for playing Dust Tactics with tabletop 3D scenery.

My try at this is available here


Now, I'm sure I'm not the first one to try this out, but I just thought some of you might like the input. I would like to hear about what other ideas you guys might have experimented with and any constructive critism you might have… besides the crappy quality of my pictures.

Oh! For those interested, the French version is available… just try and reach me through my blog if you don't want to go through the trouble of translating yourselves.

I just use a tape measure like in AT43 and use line of site rules like all games typically do. I have not had any real trouble playing on a 3D game board but I can see where extreme terrain could pose some problems. Like the board pics !!!! Post more if you can.

mgentile7 said:

Like the board pics !!!! Post more if you can.

Thanks. As for pictures, check the blog… they're all there.

Really like this. I think one day we will see a nice merger of Dust Warfare and Dust Tactics. That will be a good day.