FFG will have holders for each army?

By Ken on Cape, in Fortress America

The original came with styrofoum containers for each army and the other parts.

FFG will put containers so you can store all parts good, right? They always do. ;)

Sadly, no…

They do have ziploc bags for each army though, which is nice. I did have to use 3 snack sized ziplocs for the tokens, but I'm a bit of a freak when it comes to organizing my game pieces.

Really, we don't miss the tray for storage, but the flat cardboard "graveyard" is a disappointment. I'm considering getting a shallow container to use for a graveyard so the pieces don't just pile up and/or get scattered. The ziploc bags would work fine for the invaders unless you're using the invader cards. Rummaging in the bag for units seems like it would be annoying during the game.