First time, long time; I've read through the rather interesting thread about pistols in melee, and was still curious about one thing. Example: if I had a character that had taken Two-Weapon Training in both Melee/Ballistic, and was carrying a pistol and sword, facing off against a cultist. Diagonally back from them by 1m is another cultist that is not currently in melee with me and is fully visible. Without the Independent Targeting talent, characters with two ranged weapons can fire at different targets within 10m.
a) If I were to, as my sole action, fire at the cultist not currently in melee with me, would I receive Point-blank bonus on them? The 2.0 errata states that a pistol wielded in melee does not get the +30 bonus for point-blank range, and then that Point-blank, which is closer than 3m, does not apply to enemies with whom you are engaged in melee. The former seems to indicate that no, once in melee a pistol-user cannot claim Point-blank, but the latter seems to specify enemies you are currently in melee with.
b) As I have training in both melee/ballistic, would it be possible to attack the cultist in melee with me with my sword, and use my off-hand ranged attack to instead fire on the cultist diagonal to them, as they are within 10m?
c) What would the overall penalties be were I to be carrying two pistols and attempting the same, i.e. firing at the cultist I am in melee with as well as the second cultist nearby? With Two-Weapon Wielder, making two such attacks is a Full Action, so I suppose this melts slightly into the existing pistols in melee thread.
I didn't notice this in an existing thread, so apologies if it is a duplicate question.