just after some advice. i'm not a rich man, but i've had the idea to try and increase the game's popularity by putting aside $7-$10 a week and holding fortnightly mini tournaments where the prize is a new asylum pack of their choice. if the winner already has them all then it goes to the next best opponent. i think the major hurdle to the game is its price for new-comers, so it MIGHT be a way of someone buying the starter pack and a couple of AP's and slowly building up their collection just by playing and perhaps encourage them to buy more. any comments or ideas about something like this would be appreciated.
another 'variant' might be to give it to the person who plays with the least amount of pack types in their deck. i dunno.
i could also possibly have a small $3-$4 entry fee (per fortnight and the # of people would determine price) and increase the prize pool to 1 asylum packs to 2 different 'categories' (whoopee!!) - haha. i guess this way too there could be an 'auto win' category where if you haven't won one after x amount of paid entries, you're gauranteed one and your 'money invested'.