Classification Madrid Sunday 3rd June tournament

By Aioria, in 3. AGoT Organized Play

14 contenders, congrats to Thamalon. I played a Maester's Deck with 3 copies of Hugor Hill, named "the Hugor's buffonery". I took control of Robert, Ser Eldon, Tarle, Balon… etc. xD But i lost 2 games whit a very poor setups… :( I think that my deck was not very good after all… hehehe.

1. Thamalon :baratheon The Maester's Path 4w
2. Tarkin :targaryen Knights of the Hollow Hill 3w
3. Shadowblade :stark No Agenda 3w
4. Marlowe :stark Wildlings 3 Agenda 3w
5. Sefirot :targaryen The Maester's Path 2w
6. Stukov :targaryen The Maester's Path 2w
7. Tamy :targaryen The Maester's Path 2w
8. Lady Allyria Dayne :lannister No Agenda 2w
9. Rabo :greyjoy No Agenda 2w.
10. Aioria :lannister The Maester's Path 2w
11. Koci :lannister The Power Behind the Throne 1w
12. Bombur :baratheon Knights of the Realm 1w
13. Raxar :lannister No Agenda (clansman)
14. Sega :greyjoy Brotherhood without Banners 0w