Dust Scenery Project- Ruined church

By adlerhobby, in Dust Tactics

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After seeing Craig in NH build a church I was inspired to do the same, (its a blessing its a curse)…lol Ill post more shots if folks are interested ., theres a bit more work still to come..

Thats a "converted lothar " in the pics for a size comparison

Yeah I love that Pagasus stuff. I have several church type buildings in my collection as well.

Looks great so far. Would be a pleasure to see photos of the progress.

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Wolfen said:

Looks great so far. Would be a pleasure to see photos of the progress.

Heres a bit more

this is a beautiful piece of work… we were just talking last night about trying to do one..

my only want is to to it in concert of the tactics scale..and find a subtle way to mark the grid and dots…make it playable for both games..

but out standing work!!

this looks fantastic man! are those terrain kits from GW?