Card Sleeves

By glasswalkerx, in Infiltration

Can we get sleeves for these bigger cards FF? I need them for Infiltration and Elder sign. Thanks.

It certainly would be nice. Mayday Games has big sleeves for Dixit that fit the cards for Elder Sign and Infiltration, but they're pretty much penny sleeves and not worth it.

I did find a nice plastic case for the larger cards though. Target sells a pencil case for a buck that fits the larger cards nicely. So if nothing else, there's that.

I'm ordering some of these for Elder Signs/Infiltration;

A little bit of protection can go a long way, especially with the questionable table cleaning skills some gaming buddies/stores have :P

Plus they are clear on the back so I can still see the nice artwork, which is a big thing for me.

check out the latest news. FFG have announced new sleaves for this game and elder sign