a deck starter

By COCLCG, in Call of Cthulhu Deck Construction

starting making this deck the night before my regional but unfortunately a friend has some of my hastur cards in one of his decks so feel free to finish it off in any way you like if you wish. going with my original deck instead.



things in the ground

guardian of the key

old man of the woods

thing from the stars

sirens of hell

arkham asylum

and maybe : charles dexter ward

only been playing with it for 15 minutes but the idea is to use things in the ground, destroy any of their insane characters, and restore your own. just a little something different from the ho hum hastur / yog deck and hand milling.

and a couple more of my favourite little 2 card combos that can kick start a deck, seeing as i wont be using them in the regional:

shriven and resolute (syndicate) / john and jessie burke (agency)

charles dexter ward (hastur) / a small price to pay (agency)

guardian of the key (yog) / disc of itzamna?? (miskatonic)

actually scratch that. haha! if i can make it to worlds (which im pretty sure i wont), i may just bring a version of this deck. SPOILER!!

Tell us about the regional. It was the Australian regionals, right! How many, what decks. How did you go?

all regionals info in ORGANISED PLAY forum section. not sure if you could really call it a bona fide regional though - haha.

has anyone successfully used dark contagion on a toughness character and then attached a khopesh to a shub character for the rest of the opponents??