Cheap/free storage using Dust boxes

By TallDwarf, in Dust Tactics

If you are like me and your wife (or perhaps your mother, depending on how old you are) does not want games stored in the dining room and you need to transport your pieces around but do not want to buy a storage system then you may want to see what I have done.

After trying out different way to store my DT miniatures I have settled on the following. Cutting out the front side of the squad boxes and then putting 4 of them inside of a heavy walker box. I left a lip around the edge so they stack easily.


4 boxes can fit inside

Then I put in the unit cards

I have used the amazon shipping boxes for storing my 2 light walkers and 1 medium walker per faction. I cut the tops off and then taped them inside for dividing walls. I also have a side "pocket" for the unit cards.

Here is everything stacked together to be carried up to the second floor after an evening of gaming.

Now I need some better storage for my 2 x heavy walkers per faction, any ideas?


Snap 'N Stack Seasonal Ornament (3) 12"X12" Square Layer(4) perfect and good price been storing AT43 for a long time with this stuff….