Are insane characters exhausted?

By Glendora, in CoC Rules Discussion

I need to know what happens with insane characters:

Are they ready / exhausted depending on their state in the moment they became insane? for example, a character who became insane while commited to a story, would be insane + exhausted

otherwise, a character which came into play insane (due to the effect of Things in the Ground, for instance) woud be insane + ready


I used to think "insane" was a state and could not be ready or exhausted as well…

So: is it legal to destroy an insane character with a card that states "destroy an exhausted character"??

I'm playing a tournament tomorrow and I can't find the answer to this…

Thank you!

Glendora said:

I need to know what happens with insane characters:

Are they ready / exhausted depending on their state in the moment they became insane? for example, a character who became insane while commited to a story, would be insane + exhausted

otherwise, a character which came into play insane (due to the effect of Things in the Ground, for instance) woud be insane + ready


I used to think "insane" was a state and could not be ready or exhausted as well…

So: is it legal to destroy an insane character with a card that states "destroy an exhausted character"??

I'm playing a tournament tomorrow and I can't find the answer to this…

Thank you!

There are three states a character can have: ready, exhausted or insane. It can only have one state at a time. If the character is insane it is insane. There is no being insane and ready or insane and exhausted at the same time.

So if your card says "destroy an exhausted character my insane characters are safe!

This is what I thought… But then I saw this (from the rules):

First, the active player (the player whose turn it is) chooses and
restores one of his insane characters (if any) by flipping it faceup
and exhausting it (or leave it exhausted if it is exhausted already) .
A restored character is no longer considered insane, but remains
exhausted until that player’s next turn.

That section of the rulebook does make things confusing when you read the FAQ (top of page 12 v2.2):

Q: Can I ready Insane characters during my refresh phase?

A: No, Insane is a state like Ready or Exhausted. Insane characters that are not restored cannot be Ready or Exhausted.

They seem to contradict each other, but I think it may be poor wording in the rulebook that is causing the problem. Page 4 of the rulebook also lays out the 3 states (Ready, Exhausted, Insane), and while it doesn't directly answer your question, it does support the FAQ in that Insane and Exhausted are different character states.