Hello to all Kingsburg players,
as one of the designers of Kingsburg, I have been recently toying with the idea of introducing rules for a 6th player in the game, since I often receive this question from players "is it possible to play Kingsburg with 6 players?".
Until now, our answer has alyways been negative, since our playtest always stated that with 6 players the Council becomes overcrowded with dice and some player may end up with a totally wasted productive season. So, just adding a sixth player with his/her own dice doesn't work.
I then said to myself: time to change perspective. Why if the sixth player is playing with a different style? So I came up with this little "Usurper" idea.
The sixth player is a Governor like all the other players, but he doesn't use "influence points" generated by dice, instead a different ways to influence advisors.
After dice rolls, but before any player can influence advisors, he can (but doesn't have to) block one advisor, making it unavailable for this season (he cannot choose to block the same advisor in two consecutive seasons, however). The blocked advisor cannot be influenced during this season by anyone (including the Usurper)
Then, after all players have influenced advisors following the normal rules, (s)he can influence a free advisor with an influence token. The Influence Token can take any value from 1 to 13. You can add a +2 token to it, as well as using the Market. This means the Usurper cannot influence the Queen or the King.
Of course, the Usurper won't have any advantage by building the Chapel or the Church (let's say she is an atheist...), still the option to influence only one advisor but of middle/high range shoud allow the Usurper to be competitive.
I would like to have some feedback from you players, keep in mind this variant is unlikely to become officiali inserted in any expansion set, but may become an "official variant" if people like it and it works the way i am expecting it.