rule questions

By FAAx87, in Gears of War: The Board Game


I picked up Gears of War today and played my first three games. Now several questions came to my mind.

1) can I perform a chainsaw attack if the lancer has no more ammo?

2) How does "active reload" actually work? Can I spend an ammo token to perform an overkill attack and play a second command card or do I have to spend an ammo token to pay only to play a second command card?

Thank you!

FAAx87 said:

1) can I perform a chainsaw attack if the lancer has no more ammo?

2) How does "active reload" actually work? Can I spend an ammo token to perform an overkill attack and play a second command card or do I have to spend an ammo token to pay only to play a second command card?

#1: Yes

#2: If you play AR and choose to resolve its text, you can do 1 attack. IF you do an overkill attack (spend ammo), you have the option of resolving a second Order card after AR. You can also just play AR and make a normal attack, but you probably have better cards for that.

Thank you for the quick answer!

Another couple of questions:

1) To pick up ammo or use a location you have to stop, correct? You're not allowed to move one space, discard a card to pick up ammo and move again. Except of Santiago with his special ability.

2) If you roll an omen with the standard pistol or the lancer assault rifle. It counts like you have rolled another hit symbol. These omens are no auto hits/wounds. Correct?

3) There is one card in the encouter deck which forces you to spend one ammo token and then take all weapon markers. I'm not sure how this card is namend in the english version. But the textbox of the german version ist not clear to me. Does it mean I spend one ammo token to get all the weapons or do the weapon markers get removed from play?

Thanks again!

FAAx87 said:

1) To pick up ammo or use a location you have to stop, correct? You're not allowed to move one space, discard a card to pick up ammo and move again. Except of Santiago with his special ability.

2) If you roll an omen with the standard pistol or the lancer assault rifle. It counts like you have rolled another hit symbol. These omens are no auto hits/wounds. Correct?

3) There is one card in the encouter deck which forces you to spend one ammo token and then take all weapon markers. I'm not sure how this card is namend in the english version. But the textbox of the german version ist not clear to me. Does it mean I spend one ammo token to get all the weapons or do the weapon markers get removed from play?

#1: Yes. You can take a special action (pick up weapon, use ?, revive) between two pips on an Order card, but can't interrupt a pip.

#2: Yes, they can be blocked via shields. Even the Hammerburst Omen can be blocked by shields. Few others can't.

#3: It means the active COG has to discard 1 ammo from his pool + all the dropped weapon markers on the map are removed. If you're low on ammo, it can be pretty nasty, but usually you have Snub Pistol ammo to throw away for it.


Can I use a Bolo Grenade on the areas without the enemies to close the emergence hole or to lure Berserkerka? In FAQ it is said that you can't use attack on the empty area, but Bolo Grenades are a special kind of weapon.

Page 19 in the rulebook: When attacking with a bolo grenade, the attacker targets an area instead of a figure.

So, yes you can attack an emergence hole with no figures on the space.

Speaking of Bolos, having recently replayed GoW 1 & 2, I'm missing the option to plant a Bolo and have it blow up when a Locust walks by.

Dam said:

Speaking of Bolos, having recently replayed GoW 1 & 2, I'm missing the option to plant a Bolo and have it blow up when a Locust walks by.

That would make an awesome variant!