female faces

By Error 718, in Dust Tactics

does anyone have some good tips for painting female faces?

I've had some luck going with a "less is more" approach. Putting down a base coat of a flesh tone, and then maybe going over the eyes -- like the whole eye and mostly over what would be skin over the eye socket -- in black. Then just doing a light wash with whatever you usually use on your male mini's skin tones.

Use less wash than you normally would and don't worry about highlights/dry brushing. A smoother, simpler paint job will look like a smoother, younger face. For me at least too much wash/highlights makes the mini's read like she's old/wrinkled. Once the wash is dry, just paint the inside of the eye white -- maybe a little smaller than you normally would. With the black around it it should look a little more like heavy eye lashes/eye-liner.

I usually avoid trying to paint the lips because it tends to look over done. If you wanted to do this, I'd recomend mixing the flesh tone paint with a drop of red to get a fleshy pink that isn't too much of a different color from the rest of the face and maybe just sort of dry-brush this on the lips -- even just the bottom one.

The female Dust characters are probably not gonna put on a lot of make-up before heading into battle, but if you wanted that look you could do a dark purple instead of black around the eye and a darker red for the lips.

thanks, sounds good stuff…do you have any pictures of females you have done?

Add a little brown to a pinkish flesh tone for lips, unless you want lipstick. Do not paint the upper lip, only the lower lip. Keep flesh tones light and shadows/highlights soft. keep the cheeks a little pinker than the rest of the face, but not obviously so.