Devoured by Cthulhu. 3,055. 53 turns, 55 items, 74 tasks, 26 adventures, 5 monsters, 3 other worlds, 8 elder signs.
Same team. Two insane by doom nine. Five attempts at R'Yleh, two with no red gem, three with all gems. All insane at ten doom. Jenny went in armed. Two of the attempts went in with red and yellow plus something. Attempts came together late. Rose the city late. Got all gems late, especially red at the last. Had two or three doom first phase. One investigator got stung at one sanity with a midnight sanity effect. One green lock adventure, two red lock monsters, all in the Thule phase. Again, my only +2 doom was after two visits to wimp up in the janitor's closet, phase one. Surprised how long I hung in there, see stats, and the R'y attempts in vain. Had a hail mary feel to it. At least I played a better game than last.