Is the only way to win the scenario by closing gates or does defeating the AO also count? In a related question do the gate trophies have to be kept to count or can we spend them without needing to close extra gates?
Win/loss conditions for League 2 scenario 1
lol, I was just about to ask this. Me and Andy have been looking at the available characters right now. Best get your vote in for you and the Mrs.
Aye...seems to be the only question really. The rest seems quite straight forward.
I would suggest that a final encounter would NOT count as a win as written...close those gates or lose!
But can you spend them? That has arguments for both sides. I sure hope it comes down on the "spend them" side
Defeating the AO does count, and you may spend the trophies as needed. I will also add this to the FAQ for Scenario 1.
what happens to the ally if the player controlling him is devoured?
Are Elder Signs basically useless in this scenario? Can they still be used to remove a doom token. A team of 8 is going to have a tough time of it. You need to close 12 games, and the doom track is 12.
If the elder signs don't do anything, it seems like a team of 8 is going to need to pray a lot.
Twilight said:
Are Elder Signs basically useless in this scenario? Can they still be used to remove a doom token. A team of 8 is going to have a tough time of it. You need to close 12 games, and the doom track is 12.
If the elder signs don't do anything, it seems like a team of 8 is going to need to pray a lot.
Heh... Good point... Reading this makes me suspect that either the elder signs *can* be used, or that JeR didn't quite think this through ;')
::Shrug:: you can still beat shub in combat, although honestly, I find that really implausible with a large team. ::Shrug:: maybe if you're willing to dump a bunch of your extra trophies though. Heh... Heh... HEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHEE!
The question is guess would not be can they be used, but whether if they are used would they remove a Doom Token? The gates can't be sealed, even with the Elder sign (can not over-rides can in most cases), but I could see allowing them to remove a Doom Token. Otherwise, the chances of the 8 investigator team winning the scenario are pretty slim.
JerusalemJones said:
The question is guess would not be can they be used, but whether if they are used would they remove a Doom Token? The gates can't be sealed, even with the Elder sign (can not over-rides can in most cases), but I could see allowing them to remove a Doom Token. Otherwise, the chances of the 8 investigator team winning the scenario are pretty slim.
Wrong :')
What, no comments on why I'm wrong. I'm disappointed. *tear*
All that I can come up with are some items we might get from the Unique Item deck from location encounters, and the one encounter at the South Church. Now, our group doesn't usually meta-game, so we also haven't made an effort to learn every possibly way to get rid of the doom tokens, but unless we take care of the tokens, the GOO will definitely wake up. Sure, we can do battle with the GOO, but it would be nice to stop it from waking up.
JerusalemJones said:
All that I can come up with are some items we might get from the Unique Item deck from location encounters, and the one encounter at the South Church.
Well, you do answer your own question.
With eight investigators, you can easily devote some of them to getting the South Church encounter. Problem solved.
crimson said:
JerusalemJones said:
All that I can come up with are some items we might get from the Unique Item deck from location encounters, and the one encounter at the South Church.
Well, you do answer your own question.
With eight investigators, you can easily devote some of them to getting the South Church encounter. Problem solved.
You should've posted a spoiler alert though. Pray for those eight player teams.
using elder signs and spending gate trophies takes away points doesn't it?
This might be a silly question but if you close your gates of players+4, do you have to have no open gates on the board to win?
I am pretty sure you just need to close gates + 4, the game ends right then even if you still have open gates.
it just says "the game ends and the Investigators win if they manage to close a number of gates equal to the number of investigators plus 4."
I would says that the game ends as soon as that condition is met.
Has there been any word on whether or not Elder Signs can be used to remove Doom Tokens from the track?
SylvanEve said:
Has there been any word on whether or not Elder Signs can be used to remove Doom Tokens from the track?
Yep, it's in the league faq v2.0. Elder Signs will remove Doom Tokens, even though they can't be used to seal.
then it is just a case of keeping down the doom track. easy! (she says)
next time I post, i'll read all the posts, and the new faq before posting!