Metabolic boost

By Carnate, in StarCraft

Does somebody know why metabolic boost is so good? Because it gives 2 health to your zergling, but only then if it has suefficient strength and you are the attacker. Additionally it costs 2 gas. So I dont know that card strength. serio.gif

Thx for your answers.

Hi Carnate,

answer's simple. The Zergling does have a greater chance to survive. Highest Health on a Zergling card is 6, normal 4 or 5. So if you use Metabolic Boost, you can reach 7 or 8, which no Marine or Firebat can match. Bam, more units on the field intact. A very, very cool tech.

I see. Thx for the help. In the next game I will try it out.

boost is an amazing tech. It allows you to sustain pressure with the same zerglings through multiple mobilize orders. It is very good in conjunction with the special mobilize order because you can use low attack high health cards to produce some very buff zerglings.

I agree - that's an amazing technology, But i want to clarify how exactly it works. In order to gain +2 health zergling must have sufficient strenght to kill enemy FLU. Question - must it be a basic value of zergling combat card , or full final value with all support and other attack bonuses included ?

Brazlowsky said:

I agree - that's an amazing technology, But i want to clarify how exactly it works. In order to gain +2 health zergling must have sufficient strenght to kill enemy FLU. Question - must it be a basic value of zergling combat card , or full final value with all support and other attack bonuses included ?

full and final! But if the opposing front-line is cloaked, I don't think you can get the extra health though. In other words if your FLU zergling kills a ground unit in the skirmish, you get +2 health!

That card can get into very odd situation like two zerglings w/ metabolic boost!!!!!

boost only works when attacking.

you still get the boost against cloaked stuff.

Actually, this card mostly pays back only in very early stages of game (when you rush some enemies). Later, it is far less important. Zerglings, although numberous, can't stand against stronger units (all which can have 7+ attack without support) . Use them later:

-as a cheap "splash shield" + support

- with Defilers + Consume

- to control areas

blarknob said:

boost only works when attacking.

you still get the boost against cloaked stuff.

sry. always forget that part