Useless cards for solo play

By Budgernaut, in Rune Age

Okay, maybe not useless, because you can still use their attack stregth, but there are some cards that just seem like they won't be as useful in solo play as in multiplayer because the abilities don't work. I haven't purchased the game yet, but I'm planning to get it with the expansion when it comes out. The thing is, I'll probably be playing primarily solo. In looking at the Oath and Anvil announcement, I noticed that the dwarf Demolitionist's ability really only works if you are playing with other people. This got me thinking about other cards like the Darnati warrior, Skeleton Archer, and the Bowman. All these cards are used for destroying units, but since there are no enemy units in solo play, their abilities are useless.

I want to ask all the solo players if this has really affected their opinions of the game. Is it still really fun to play solo, even if there are card effects that don't work in solo play?

Budgernaut said:

Okay, maybe not useless, because you can still use their attack stregth, but there are some cards that just seem like they won't be as useful in solo play as in multiplayer because the abilities don't work. I haven't purchased the game yet, but I'm planning to get it with the expansion when it comes out. The thing is, I'll probably be playing primarily solo. In looking at the Oath and Anvil announcement, I noticed that the dwarf Demolitionist's ability really only works if you are playing with other people. This got me thinking about other cards like the Darnati warrior, Skeleton Archer, and the Bowman. All these cards are used for destroying units, but since there are no enemy units in solo play, their abilities are useless.

I want to ask all the solo players if this has really affected their opinions of the game. Is it still really fun to play solo, even if there are card effects that don't work in solo play?

This is probably my #1 or #2 solo game, even with some of the content being non-solo friendly. I've gone so far as to make all new versions of the cards so I could make customs (a LOT of work) and also have developed one custom scenario for solo play (which addresses your observation about no units to attack, there are in this scenario!). Someone has also posted a solo variant for The Monument, so that is 4 solo scenarios plus hopefully there will be some solo content in Oath and Anvil (which I can't wait for).


I'll add my two cents for what it's worth. Rune age is a game that was designed to be multiplayer. The core set gives you two scenarios that you can play solo, but for me at least, every game I play unfolds exactly like the three before it. There is just not enough variety to keep the game interesting. That's why you see so many people saying stuff like it's great, but I use custom scenarios or custom cards…etc. That's because the game, by itself, is not great. It needs to be fixed by the players, which is great if you like that kind of stuff. I personally have no interest in custom homebrew stuff. Whether the expansion will fix that problem remains to be seen. The game has potential, but I was really disappointed after playing it a few times. I'm not going to buy the expansion unless I hear that is gives the game the needed resources, but from the info I've read, it doesn't look to add any new solo content. If you want a great solo game give Death Angel: Space Hulk a try. Every game is different and the various POD expansions ensure it will stay that way for a long time.

Yeah. I've said this on a lot of different forums recently, but I agree that multiplayer is the way to go. I tried playing the Runewars scenario solo, with me controlling all 4 factions. Even that was more fun than the "solo" scenarios suggested in the rule book.

I like playin by my self it help to learn the rules better plus its still fun too