Okay, maybe not useless, because you can still use their attack stregth, but there are some cards that just seem like they won't be as useful in solo play as in multiplayer because the abilities don't work. I haven't purchased the game yet, but I'm planning to get it with the expansion when it comes out. The thing is, I'll probably be playing primarily solo. In looking at the Oath and Anvil announcement, I noticed that the dwarf Demolitionist's ability really only works if you are playing with other people. This got me thinking about other cards like the Darnati warrior, Skeleton Archer, and the Bowman. All these cards are used for destroying units, but since there are no enemy units in solo play, their abilities are useless.
I want to ask all the solo players if this has really affected their opinions of the game. Is it still really fun to play solo, even if there are card effects that don't work in solo play?