Daft, noobish conquest question - RtL

By Chromatism, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hey everyone.

Just a couple of questions that have been bugging me for a small while. I don't know quite why this has really only just occurred, but just to put my mind at ease...

1) How does Conquest work in RtL in regards to gains and loss? When we played, the heroes gain Conquest as normal, but instead of losing it when one of their number is killed, the OL instead gains that much Conquest without any hit to the player's pool.

Is this correct? I can't seem to find what I'm looking for the RtL manual (which means I'm probably too fatigued to look through properly), but the above method makes sense if you're sticking to the '4 to 5 dungeons before the campaign levels' line.

Having said that I'm still not entirely convinced, which is why a definitive word on the issue would be greatly appreciated.

2) My other question is in regards to monster spawning. I've read and reread the vanilla Descent manual, however... I'm aware that the monsters can not be in the heroes line of sight to be spawned, but are there any rules in regards to those same monsters being adjacent to one another? Its something I'm not wholly decided on, and while I tend to spawn monsters in groups just every now and again I forgo that for a more tactical edge. The verdict?

Many thanks in advance - Chrome.

1) That's consistent with my impression, but I don't play RtL, so I could easily be wrong.

2) Spawned monsters are not required to be adjacent to each other. You may be thinking of the Horde of the Things power card, which gives you extra monsters when a new area is revealed, and requires that the new monsters be adjacent to an existing one.

No one loses Conquest in RtL. Sadly, the rulebook never comes out and explicitly says it that I can find but its implied. Whenever CT is discussed, its always someone receiving CT, never losing.

If Heroes lost CT, then how would the OL gain it? If the Heroes lost it and the OL gained it, the gap between CT for the two sides would grow so rapidly that the Heroes could never recover.

Fair enough. Thank you both for your replies! Great stuff :D

Certainly clears all that up. I shall go forth tomorrow and OL with confidence! Heroes won't know what hit them ;)

If you read the rulebook you probably know this, but I've seen people playing RtL the first time get tripped up.

Conquest and Experience are not the same thing.

There are two running scores in the game really. The Conquest score and the Experience total. Experience gets spent but Conquest doesn't. So when either you as OL or the Heroes spend Experience for an upgrade/skill/training it doesn't affect the Conquest total but changes how much Experience you have left.

And, if you're just starting your RtL group... might I suggest something? If you have one, I'd highly suggest using a laptop at the table instead of the paper score sheets. It REALLY helps me and my group keep track of everything, including total Conquest and XP.