The rules for gaining new Tech are a bit disappointing to me. They are such fun cards, but only in very long games will you ever have the time to:
1) Gain a new Tech,
2) Research it, and
3) Actually benefit from all this effort.
At least, in my experience with the game so far, this has been the case. I've yet to see a second Tech fully researched, and even once it happens, I wonder if it'll have been worth the skipped encounter and intense ship drainage required, especially since this will be in the late game, most likely. So it feels like gaining new Tech is a pointless rule to me. Here I've attempted to combine Tech with the Rewards Deck concept on The Warp.
Do not use in a game with Tech-based aliens!
Separate the Tech into four stacks, one stack for each research value 2, 3, and 4 (additional stacks if 0 and 1 value cards are ever added), and one stack for all other Tech (5-9 and X).
The 5-9 and X stack is now your Tech deck. It should have 9 cards. Shuffle and deal 1 to each player if you do not have enough for each player to have 2. You cannot gain Tech from this deck again during the game.
The other stacks will now be Rewards decks and should be indentifiable by their research values (write 2, 3, and 4 on slips of paper if necessary).
Whenever you are a defensive ally and your side wins the encounter, instead of taking normal rewards, you may take one card from one of the Rewards decks if you had
at least
as many ships in the encounter as that stack's denomination.
I ally with 3 ships on defense and our side wins. Instead of taking 3 cards from the deck and/or ships from Warp, I can take one card from either Rewards Deck 2 or 3, but not form Rewards Deck 4.
When you receive a card from a Rewards deck, play it face-down in your system with all ships used to earn it. It is fully researched and may be used immediately on the following turn if applicable unless you lose ships from it. From this point on, it is treated like a normal Tech.
I am going to test out this variant the next time I play because I'd really like to see Tech get more action without overwhelming the game, but it's such a simple change that I thought I'd post it untested, anyway. I can't see any complications arising from this. An aftereffect that I hadn't intended but quite like in theory is that the more expensive (and more exciting) Tech will come into play more often, though I hope there will be a bigger pool of these after the expansions. The 2-4 Tech don't really feel that special, except for Genesis Bomb, but more like Artifacts that were tossed in as Tech to help maintain a smaller Encounter Deck (a decision I certainly appreciate).