after we get the dwarfes and the orcs, we will get sea battles in runewars ! beware you need a large table.
i can give you some overall rules so you can already play a taste of it. only thing you need are some ship models. you can get perfect ships in the seddlers of catan sea expansion.
1. build islands and peninsulas
the whole map forms an insula-continent surrounded by the sea. further islands and peninsulas can be builded. after 2 maptiles are placed, third player may declare to start an island or penninsula. for a penninsula, he places his maptile with at least one borderless edge to an existing tile. for an island, he places his maptile max. one seaarea away from an existing tile. a seaarea is (as long as we dont have blue tiles) an empty area of the table in the size of a game area.
the next maptile must be placed at the new island / penninsula tile within standard rules. further tiles can be placed anywhere within standard rules. an island or an peninsula cannot be connected by further tiles with existing other tiles. it stays an island / peninsula.
2. build a ship
one ship can be builded at the cost of 2 wood with fortif- order, additional to other buildings . it is placed at a coast of an area containing a city or castle of the player.
3. moving a ship
a ship moves with strategy order into a sea area (middle) or to an adjacent land area (coast). with mobilize or conquer a ship can move to the target area two areas far. if the target area is a landarea it can reach it by sailing to its coast. it can sail through coasts containing enemy or neutral units, but not through coasts or sea areas containing enemy ships with units aboard.
4. loading and deloading a ship
a ship can carry up to 8 units. it must be at the coast of the area containing the units. they are simply placed on the ship ( means beside the ship or on the right side of the fractiontable if you numerize the ships). a ship can deload its units from the coast to the area the coast belongs to. it can deload any number of units it carries. the units are places at the area. loading and deloading does not count for movement. a ship cannot load and deload in the same season.
4. battling a ship
a ship can not be attacked from neutral or enemy units on land. a seabattle between ships are handled exactly like a landbattle for now. a ship with no units abord is immediately destroyed if in the same area / coast with an enemy ship with units aboard. empty and sunken ships do not stop the other ships movement.
5. flying units
flying units can move over sea as if its land. they can attack enemy ships with units and sink ships with no unit.
6. heroes
heroes can use ships in exactly the same way as units. he can use a ship with or without units aboard. a ship with only a hero aboard can avoid enemy ships and flying units.